11 philatelic issues across past, present and future, and the first ever issue of a one-ounce 999 BU silver coin
Eleven philatelic issues have already been scheduled for 2024 by the Philatelic and Numismatic Division of Poste San Marino SpA: Europe-Underwater flora and fauna; 160th Anniversary of Domenico Maria Belzoppi’s death; 14th Global summit of the world’s National Ethics and Bioethics Committees; 60th anniversary of Giorgio Morandi’s death; Sport; Christmas; 100th AIPS – International Sports Press Association coinciding with the 40th of the San Marino Sports Press Association; Series on San Marino history themes; 80th anniversary of the Battle of Monte Pulito (Gurkha); City of Air; UNESCO; young people and institutions. The Programme, while adhering to traditional themes, intends to celebrate the past, present, and future of the Republic of San Marino. With regard to history, tribute is paid to fellow citizen Domenico Maria Belzoppi, political notary and statesman of the 19th century who indicated the lines of a policy aimed at a strict safeguard of the Republic’s independence, as well as protagonist of the episode that will go down in history as the “Garibaldian escape”. The celebration of the 80th anniversary of the Battle of Monte Pulito, which took place in the castle of Faetano and was dedicated to the sacrifice of the heroic Gurkha rifleman Sher Bahadur Thapa. A highlight is the introduction of a didactic strand on the history of the Republic, which intends to involve Scholastic Institutions thanks to the invaluable collaboration of the Esteemed Prof. Verter Casali. The Present Programme is developed with issues dedicated to 2024 events of international resonance.
The look at the future focuses on young people in relation to institutions and “The Cities of the Air”, an association to which San Marino also belongs, whose aim is to develop organisations dedicated to tourism and recreational aviation. Finally, art, of a universal nature, is represented by a series of paintings by Giorgio Morandi. The issue will highlight the mental process and creative itinerary of this outstanding Italian artist in order to offer the public the opportunity to understand the depth of his paintings, the enigmatic power of his canvases in tune with his self-declared quest for the ability to “touch the depths, the essence of things”.
The numismatic programme foresees the issuance of a €2 commemorative coin, Brilliant Uncirculated, dedicated to the “530th anniversary of the death of Ghirlandaio” and a €2 commemorative coin, Brilliant Uncirculated, dedicated to the “50th anniversary of the Declaration of the Rights of Citizens and the Fundamental Principles of San Marino Law”. The year 2024 will see the issue of a further three monometallic coins dedicated to the Chinese Lunar Calendar for the signs of horse, goat and monkey.
A 5€ silver coin, proof version, dedicated to the Centenary of Giacomo Puccini’s death (Great Composers of Music) and a 10€ silver coin, proof version, dedicated to the Guardia di Rocca (San Marino Military and Police Corps) will also be issued.
The Brilliant Uncirculated Divisional Series and the Brilliant Uncirculated Divisional Series with 5€ silver coin dedicated to “Butterflies” as well as the Proof Series with both 2€ commemorative coins are planned.
Also confirmed for 2024 is the €20 coin made of ¼ ounce 999 gold after the extraordinary success of the first issue at the end of this year.
2024 will also be the year of the first €5 coin of 1 ounce 999 silver, Brilliant Uncirculated (BU), the first issue ever in the history of San Marino numismatics is of great importance and marks the beginning of a new series entitled “Peregrine Falcon”, a splendid and elegant native bird of prey that nests in a niche in the cliff near the First Tower.
Poste San Marino celebrates the success of the silver ounce with the launch of the new coin dedicated to the Peregrine Falcon 2025
Tempo di lettura: < 1 min After the great success of the first edition, this new issue continues the celebration of numismatic art and craftsmanship. Minted