Art: Leonardo da Vinci - Filippo Lippi - Rembrandt
3 values of €0.10 - €0.50 - €2.60 in sheets of 12 stamps with a strip on the left hand side of the sheet - Credits:Photography Department of the Uffizi Gallery by courtesy of Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities
Photography of the painting by Lippi: Francesco Del Vecchio 2016
The series reproduces three beautiful paintings: "Annunciation" by Leonardo da Vinci, "Madonna with Child and two angels" by Filippo Lippi and "Self-portrait as a young man" by Rembrandt, displayed in the Uffizi Gallery in Florence. This series celebrates respectively the 500th, 550th and 350th anniversary of the death of
the three illustrious artists. Art: 500th anniversary of the death of Leonardo da Vinci, 550th anniversary of the death of Filippo Lippi, 350th anniversary of the death of Rembrandt.
Credits:Photography Department of the Uffizi Gallery by courtesy of Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities.
Photography of the painting by Lippi: Francesco Del Vecchio 2016